January 10 - 19: 10-Day Pongal Holidays for Andhra Pradesh schools!

The Andhra Pradesh government has declared a 10-day school holiday starting January 10th to January 19th for Pongal (Sankranti). This move has brought smiles to students and parents alike, who can now spend more time relaxing and enjoying the festive season.
According to the Andhra Pradesh Academic Calendar, the holiday schedule for schools will remain closed from January 10th to January 19th. The schedule for Christian minority schools is different; schools will remain closed from January 11th to January 15th.
Students were earlier concerned that the Sankranti holidays might be cut short due to the March exams. But all rumours are put to rest now by the government.
Last year, the government curtailed the Sankranti holidays due to heavy rainfall in the state. This year, however, students can look forward to a well-deserved break. The Sankranti break is one of the major festive seasons in Andhra Pradesh, which falls on January 14th. Students and families alike look forward to this break, which brings them ample time to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy the festive season together.
In conclusion, the Andhra Pradesh government's decision to declare a 10-day holiday for schools has brought cheer to students and parents alike. This break will give students ample time to relax and enjoy the festive season with their families.
Also read: School Holidays Extended Due to Cold Wave: State-Wise List and Reopening Dates