December 12 Bank holiday in Meghalaya

If you plan to visit your bank on December 12, you should check if the bank is open. Banks will operate as usual in most states except for Meghalaya, where they will close on Thursday, December 12. But why?
The reason for this bank holiday is the martyrdom day of Pa-Togan Nengminja Sangma, a brave Garo warrior who lost his life fighting against the British in 1872. This day occurs every year on December 12 in Meghalaya and the state holiday.
On this day, programs have been arranged throughout Meghalaya to pay respects to Pa-Togan Nengminja Sangma. It isn't a national holiday. Still, it is important for Meghalayans; therefore banks will remain shut in that state as a token of their respect.
Therefore, if you are in Meghalaya, then you have to plan your visit to the bank according to the holidays. However, if you are in other states, then you don't need to worry about the bank holidays.
Here is the list of December 2024 bank holidays:
December 12, Thursday: Banks will remain closed in Shillong on account of Pa-togan Nengminja Sangma.
December 14, Saturday: Second Saturday
December 15, Sunday: Weekly Holiday
December 18 (Wednesday): Banks shall be closed at Shillong due to the death anniversary of U Soso Tham.
December 19 (Thursday): Only in Goa, due to Goa Liberation Day.
December 22: Sunday; A weekly off
December 24: On Tuesday; due to Christmas, the banks remain closed at Kohima and Aizawl.
Also read: December 12 holiday for schools, colleges and offices in this state