IIIT-H Research Scholar Develops Largest Computer Version Of Telugu Dictionary

Sreekavitha Parupalli, research scholar from the IIIT-Hyderabad - Sakshi Post

Hyderabad: Largest computational version of the Telugu dictionary has been developed by a research scholar from the IIIT-H. Sreekavitha Parupalli (21) , is one of the youngest researchers to receive her Master’s degree this year. She has manually elucidated 8,483 verbs, 253 adverbs and 1,673 adjectives from a Telugu-Telugu dictionary. Parupalli completed the gigantic task of typing 21,000 Telugu words along with their meanings from a dictionary, assisted by her mother, Vijaya Lakshmi in this task.

Sreekavitha later developed a database for Telugu words explaining their application as verbs, adverbs and adjectives.

Sreekavitha submitted her thesis at the age of 20. She is also a product engineer at Sprinklr. Talking to the media she said “Even though Telugu WordNet exists, there are a few issues that researchers face while using it and it has limited coverage. Most researchers prefer working on existing resources to enrich the systems rather than creating one from scratch.”

“Very few from our campus seem to work on Telugu language”, she added.“Native speakers can perform better annotation tasks as both the word and its meaning are in a language they are familiar with. Any computer science expert or researcher can design algorithms that can work on top of the annotated language data. My research work has added numerous words to the existing resources ” she said.

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