The seeds sown by Chandrababu did not even germinate: YS Jagan

The seeds sown by Chandrababu did not even germinate: YS Jagan - Sakshi Post

Leader of Opposition YS Jagan Mohan Reddy poohpoohed the TDP argument that the YS Rajasekhara Reddy regime has reaped the rich harvest from the seeds sown by Chandrababu reign. "The seeds sown by Chandrababu did not even germinate," he quipped.

In his spirited and fighting speech in the AP legislative assembly, YS Jagan charged Chandrababu with fudging and falsifying figures in the White Paper on power tariff hike. He pointed out the discrepancies in the Chandrababu's arguments and said that the reports in Eenadu, which he termed as TDP's official gazette in an oblique reference to the TDP charge that Sakshi was YSRCP gazette, too have highlighted these discrepancies.
He said the White Papers have not even acknowledged the fact that there was no power tariff hike during the six years of YS Rajasekhara Reddy. He also reminded that YSR regime did not hike water cess, municipal taxes and other taxes. He also questioned the Chandrababu's allegation of corruption in land allocation during YSR regime. "How can land allocation of YSR be wrong and how can Chandrababu's allocations be deemed right?" he queried.


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