50-year-old Held For Sexually Harassing Minor Girl In Hyderabad

Representational Image - Sakshi Post

Hyderabad: In a gruesome incident a 50-year-old man was arrested by the Rajendarnagar police here on Thursday for sexually harassing a minor girl.

According to the police, the man was identified as Mohammed Aziz, resident of Jalababanagar. On Thursday morning around 9.30 am, the victim had gone to the grocery shop owned by Aziz to purchase some provisions. There was no one at the shop. In a bid to rape her, Aziz called the minor girl inside the store and allegedly started sexually harassing her.

The police said that the girl managed to escape from the clutches of the culprit Aziz and ran out of the shop shouting for help. The passersby came to her rescue, while the locals also joined in and caught hold of Mohammed Aziz who was on the verge of running away. They all informed about the incident to the girl's parents who lodged a complaint with the police.

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