Govt Teacher Set On Fire By Husband In Classroom

Representational image - Sakshi Post

Bengaluru: A 50-year-old teacher was set afire by her second husband in the classroom after she refused to give him money he demanded on Wednesday near the city.

KG Sunanda is working as a government teacher in Shambaiahnapalya, Magadi taluk around 55km from the city. On Wednesday, while she was teaching social science to class 5 students, her husband barged into the class and demanded money for his new business. They had a heated argument for some time and in a fit of rage, the man poured kerosene and set the teacher afire in full view of the students.

Other teachers rushed to the classroom after hearing her screams and shifted the teacher to a hospital with 50 percent burn injuries. The doctors stated her condition is critical.

The police registered a case and launched a hunt to nab the husband who was absconding.

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