Cong mouthpiece embarrasses party

Cong mouthpiece embarrasses party - Sakshi Post

The Congress Party was in for a shock on its 131st foundation day when its mouthpiece in Maharashtra, the Congress Darshan, published a write up that is highly critical of party's biggest icon Jawaharlal Nehru and also made controversial remarks on Sonia Gandhi.

The content editor of the magazine Sudhir Joshi was sacked over this embarrassment that left the party leadership ref-faced.
The article said Sonia Gandhi's father was a fascist and said she became Congress president within 62 days of joining the party in 1997. Her attempt to form the government was termed a failed attempt.
Another article said Nehru should have taken into cognisance Sardar Patel's views on Kashmir. Had he taken Sardar's opinions, Kashmir problem would have been solved by now, the writeup said. The writeup also said Nehru and Patel had a strained relationship and both threatened to resign repeatedly. The article also cites a letter that Patel wrote to Nehru cautioning against China's aggressive stance towards Tibet.
The magazine's content shocked many Congressmen. Former union minister Salman Khushid said AICC will look into it. Editor of Congress Darshan and senior leader Sanjay Nirupam said the kind of words used were worrying.
The BJP made the most of the controversy, using it to take pot-shots at the Congress leadership. "Sonia Gandhi should come forward and reveal what is true," said Union Minister for Environment Prakash Javadekar.

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