No Entry To HIV Positive Pregnant Woman In Telangana Hospitals

No entry to HIV positive pregnant woman in Telangana hospitals - Sakshi Post

Adilabad: Despite widespread awareness, the discrimination against HIV patients still continues. The dire incident happened when a HIV Positive pregnant woman was allegedly denied treatment at two Telangana government hospitals, including the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) in Adilabad. The diseased woman (26) from Bhainsa in the district was into her ninth month of pregnancy.

The pregnant lady went to government hospital on Saturday to get admitted for delivery. But the doctors allegedly turned her away as she was HIV positive. She experienced the same situation at RIMS hospital. The woman was later admitted to the hospital after a protest by local NGOs and women’s organisations.

The doctors admitted the woman following protest by another HIV affected woman, who also runs an NGO for the welfare of HIV affected people.

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