Hit-and-Run Instances Claim 2 Lives

Rash driving claimed two lives in New Delhi on Monday. - Sakshi Post

New Delhi: Two people died in separate instances of hit-and-run cases in New Delhi, on Monday.

A 15-year-old girl was killed by a speeding car in outer Delhi's Aman Vihar area. The girl was selling balloons at the traffic signal and had moved towards the roadside when she was hit by the errant driver, police said. The girl was rushed to hospital where she was declared brought dead, they said. The driver was caught by the locals who thrashed him and handed him over to police. He had been driving in a zig-zag way and lost control, they added.

In another incident, a 42-year-old man was mowed down by a speeding car in west Delhi's Paschim Vihar. Kishan was hit by the car near Paschim Vihar and was thrown in the air and landed on a lamp post. He was rushed to a hospital where he was declared brought dead, police said. He had come to Delhi from Jaipur with two of his cousins, Jaswinder (22) and Shiva (21) after his son got a government job, and were walking down to Jhandewalan Temple, police said. He had vowed that he will walk down to Jhandewalan if his son gets the job, they said. The trio had been staying in Sultanpuri and used to walk to the temple for the last one week, they added.


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