Kamakshi Bhaskarla on How She Prepped For Her Role in Maa Oori Polimera

 - Sakshi Post

From taking part in beauty pageants to giving up her medical profession to pursue her passion for movies, Dr Kamakshi Bhaskarla has come a long way. In an exclusive interview with Sakshi Post, the actress talks about her cinema journey so far. 

1) Coming from a glamorous world of modelling, how did you agree to go deglam in Maa Oori Polimera

 - I always believed,  deglam roles are more challenging than the glam ones. Glam roles also has its own challenges, though.  But deglam roles are more realistic, and always let me work on my craft more. "Maa Oori Polimera " has made me a better person at craft.

2) How did you land a role in Maa Oori Polimera

- There was an open audition call during the August month of 2020 , I went through the audition process and the director of the film, thought I was looking convincing with the character and that's how it all began

3) You are playing a female lead in the movie. Are you not scared of being typecast after playing a village belle?

- I'm indeed worried about it. But I think my other releases in the coming year, would change the perspective of the audience and also the directors. I have played one urbanized role in the series " the baker and the beauty " which telecasted on ahaa, this year. So I'm confident things will change for me. It's just matter of time.

4) Maa Oori Polimera is a rural drama. How did you prepare for your role?

-  I had to work on my body, body language and the dialect. And the amount of time I put in the preparation of this role was 10 days, because the shoot had begun immediately after 15 days of  the casting process. I did my research on many social issues because,  I think as an actor , saying "yes" to a story like this is a big challenge as the film Maa Oori Polimera includes lot of sub layers talking about, women I'll treatment,  caste system,  bribery and lot.

5) Tell us more about your role in Maa Vuri Polimera

-  Lachimi is a simple women who cares for her family and keeps herself away from any other matters in the village. infact she is a kind of women, who wouldn't want to get into trouble,  though she deserves the justice. And how would she fight for justice , when she looses her husband in the process of her journey is an interesting shift in the character.

6) Did you watch the movie? How did it feel to see the final product?

- I have also been the part of the direction team for the film. I have been closely observing how the end product was shaping out, as I was engaged with the complete post production part. I knew how it's going to turn out 

Right from the beginning,  and I'm quite satisfied with it.

7) Do you think you role in this movie will get you recognition?

- Definitely , I love the way people are already appreciating  my performance.  Both audience and the filmy people had given me positive feedback 

8) Tell us about the director. How was the experience and what lessons did you learn on sets

- Dr. Anil vishwanath is the director of the film, is a dentist by profession.  His passion for film making, made him quit his doctor profession.  He has been in the Industry from past 10 years, he worked as Co Director for film "Kshanam" and also tried his hand in production for film "naruda donaruda" from the production of Annapurna studios.  He is a person who has his own style of making and own style of writing. One fact about our director is, he is a great dancer and a decent actor, not everybody knows this side of him. I worked with him in the direction department for this film and another webseries, I love the fact that he creates beautiful things out of dust. No matter how many hiccups he has in process of finishing a scene, during the shoot, he make sures he doesn't miss the flavor what he wanted audience to experience.

What next after this movie?

- I have 3 webseries to release and going on to sets with 3 more projects.  Which I'll talk about very soon.

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