African migrants

64 African migrants are presumed dead after a traffickers’ rubber dinghy from Libya sank in the Mediterranean sea - Sakshi Post
Jan 09, 2018
64 African migrants are presumed dead after a traffickers’ rubber dinghy from Libya sank in the Mediterranean sea
461 migrants have arrived at the southern port of Cartagena on Saturday after being pulled off of 44 different boats - Sakshi Post
Nov 18, 2017
Spanish authorities say around 500 migrants have been saved by rescue boats as they attempted the perilous crossing of the Mediterranean Sea from Africa.
Smugglers have been active in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, offering fake promises to vulnerable migrants - Sakshi Post
Aug 10, 2017
Smugglers have been active in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, offering fake promises to vulnerable migrants
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