Pawan Kalyan, Agnyaathavaasi Keep Fans Guessing

Pawan Kalayan - Sakshi Post

A movie title along with the tagline 'Agnyaathavaasi-The Prince in Exile', is out and has heightened internet buzz around Pawan Kalayan's big ticket release. According to industry sources, director Trivikram Srinivas has penned the movie script for Agnyaathavaasi. The plot it is said is loosely based on Hollywood film The Hair Apprentice. While this piece of news has gone viral on social networks, an official confirmation is awaited on this.

Broadly, it is being speculated that the story focuses on the death of a rich man while his two wives eye his property. Further details on the plot fall in the realm of speculation but the story revolves around the search for the millionaire's son, it is being said.

It is very likely that like Jalsa and Atharintiki Daaredi Agnyaathavaasi would also keep the box office counters ticking, and become a blockbuster hit. Fans and audience have huge expectations about this film which is all set for a pre-Sankranthi release on January 10.

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