Revanth Reddy is a Joker: KTR

 - Sakshi Post

Hyderabad, May 24, 2024 - KT Rama Rao (KTR), former minister and current working president of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) lashed out at Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy on Twitter. He accused Revanth Reddy of making inappropriate comments about him.

KTR wrote, "Revanth is talking shamelessly that my relative got a thousand crore contract during COVID." KTR also called Reddy a "joker" for allegedly creating a fake story about KTR digging up Nizam's jewels in the Secretariat.

KTR further alleged that Reddy circulated a fake video of Union Home Minister Amit Shah."Revanth Reddy is the person who circulated the fake video of Union Home Minister Amit Shah," he wrote. KTR questioned Reddy's actions as the Chief Minister, asking, "Being a CM he posted a Fake Circular of OU, shouldn't this Habitual Fake News Peddler be put in a Jail?"

KTR has been an active voice against the Congress-led government in Telangana since it beat the BRS and secured power in the state. He has accused the government of severe mismanagement and failing to fulfill its promises.

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