Benazir Bhutto

Former pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto - Sakshi Post
Jul 23, 2018
Benazir Bhutto Had Mukesh Songs In Her Car Music Player
After Bhutto’s assassination, the Musharraf regime had released an audio conversation purpotedly between the two Taliban men talking about Bhutto’s death. - Sakshi Post
Jan 16, 2018
The return of Benazir Bhutto was planned on the behest of the Americans as they had given her a plan against the Mujahideed-e-Islam.
Former Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto - Sakshi Post
Jan 15, 2018
The Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility for the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto in 2007,
Bilwal Bhutto Zardari, the only son of former two time premier Benazir Bhutto and former president Asif Ali Zardari. - Sakshi Post
Nov 05, 2016
Bilwal Bhutto Zardari disclosed that he has received several offers of marriage and said he would select life partner with the approval of his sisters.
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