More than 100 police officers leave Fiji force this year

 - Sakshi Post

Suva, Nov 27 (IANS) Around 123 Fijian police officers have left the Fiji Police Force this year, affecting manpower in stations and police posts around the island nation, local media reported, citing the police.

Fiji's Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew said on Monday that those officers have gone abroad or looked for greener pastures, and their exit was not affecting the daily operations of the police as they were trying to manage what they have, reported Fijivillage news website.

Chew added they had a fair bit of challenges in terms of officers on beat patrol and would try to address the issue, Xinhua news agency reported.

He said that this was the same challenge they have had over the years.

Disclaimer: This story has not been edited by the Sakshi Post team and is auto-generated from syndicated feed.

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